Kortjes: poephoofden van Pampers, zomerhit van Lay’s, faillissement van *bliep, en meer (week 28, 2015)

Kinderen en jongeren zijn continu in het nieuws. De meest lezenswaardige/opvallende berichten uit andere bronnen verzamel ik wekelijks in een post met ‘kortjes’ – oneliners met een linkje naar het oorspronkelijke artikel. KLIK & LEES MEER:

Another day, another Internet challenge to keep the teens busy; the #DontJudgeChallenge involves people posting ‘ugly’ versions of themselves before transforming into their ‘beautiful’ selves (The Daily What)

Shiyang he, a designer in advertising agency Ogilvy’s Beijing office, has created a series of ads for the Shenyang Center For Psychological Research, which highlight the detrimental effects smartphones can have on human relationship (Bored Panda)

The documentary Web Junkie, to be shown on PBS, highlights the tragic effects on teenagers who become hooked on video games, playing for dozens of hours at a time often without breaks to eat, sleep or even use the bathroom — many come to view the real world as fake (The New York Times)

Earlier this year the BBC announced that it planned to give one million students across the UK a programmable microcomputer, called the BBC Micro Bit, to help them learn the basics of coding; now four months later, the design of the device has been finalized (The Verge)

Minecraft celebrities draw a record crowd to gaming (Reuters)

Felix Kjellberg aka PewDiePie is the king of the YouTubers; Expressen, a Swedish newspaper, estimated that he made $7 million last year on advertising, a feat that is no longer an outlier in the burgeoning world of online stardom (TechCrunch)

Only half of young people’s viewing is traditional scheduled TV; Ofcom finds younger people are turning to BBC iPlayer, YouTube and Netflix, and using Facebook, Google and Twitter for news (The Guardian)

A new report from Miner and Co has found that 57% of the 800 U.S. parents surveyed said their children now prefer to watch video on a handheld device, rather than TV; it’s a development that may have wide-ranging impacts on future media consumption habits (SocialMediaToday)

For those of us who grew up watching whatever was on, flipping to a particular channel was a way of identifying with a certain aesthetic, a certain set of values; one potential side effect of growing up in the streaming era may be a more articulated and individual sense of taste (California Sunday)

Younger consumers are significantly less likely to feel deceived by native ads; one-fifth of 18-24 year-olds and 15% of 25-34 year-olds say they feel more positive about brands with native ads (Skyword)

YouTube is the most popular Internet destination for watching movie trailers — and, according to a Google-commissioned study, younger moviegoers are now more likely to watch them on the world’s largest video site than on TV (Variety)

Illumination Entertainment’s Minions debuts with an armful of promotional partners on board helping to launch Universal’s latest installment of its animated franchise; Universal said the studio’s promotional campaign is the largest and most comprehensive in its history (Deadline)

DreamWorks Animation is further expanding its How to Train Your Dragon franchise into games that teach kids about science and technology, while its VFX and gaming divisions find new applications for immersive technology (Fast Company)

Lionsgate and Hasbro have greenlit a feature film inspired by the classic Monopoly board game (Kidscreen)

Kitty White, known to most people and toy retailers as Hello Kitty, will make her global silver screen debut in 2019 (Jezebel)

Ice cream brand Cornetto has teamed up with Dutch lifestyle vlogger and singer Teske de Schepper, who performed King for One Day for the brand’s global campaign anthem, to kick off its 2015 summer campaign (The Drum)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ4YUdfeSKU]

The millennial generation might be more willing than older consumers to give away personal information online but marketers must beware what they do with it; millenials are most likely to abandon brands if bombarded with messages (Marketing Magazine)

Which would you prefer: naked pictures of yourself circulating on the Internet or a breach of your financial data?

According to a new U.S. survey from MasterCard, 62% of millennials would rather have their nude photos leaked online than have their financial information stolen or compromised (The Globe and Mail)

Kids as young as 12 are being forced to learn eyebrow raising chat up lines like ‘How do you like your eggs in the morning? Fertilised?’ — the kinky lines are from a play which children are learning because it “gives out strong messages about the dangers of drink driving” (Daily Star)

Many teenage boys are tired of the sexualised depiction of women in video games; according to the findings of a new survey 47% of middle-school boys and 61% of high school boys agree that women are treated as sex objects too often in games (The Guardian)

Last summer, Procter & Gamble’s Always scored a big hit with its stereotype-crushing Like a Girl ad; now, the feminine products brand is back with another powerful commercial aimed at building the confidence of women, Unstoppable: “Do we limit girls?”(Adweek)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhB3l1gCz2E]

Millennials – the most diverse generation in American history – are pushing away from the nuclear family ideology and gravitating towards a modern family model that is more flexible and unconventional (360i)

Recent studies suggests that kids with overinvolved parents and rigidly structured childhoods suffer psychological blowback in college (Slate)

The Dad Braiding 101 class was intended to teach basic hair skills to fathers — the 45-minute course started with brushing and detangling techniques and graduated to styling a ponytail, a ponytail braid and a braided bun: “Dads want to learn” (The New York Times)

This brilliant Pampers ad captures babies making doody in HD and glorious slow-motion — they are facial expressions anyone who has cared for a baby will instantly recognize (Adeevee)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeuK8YePo-M]

The Wildlife Cam Kit is a user-constructed, Raspberry Pi-powered, heat-sensitive camera which takes stealthy pictures of garden wildlife (Springwise)

Disney’s Playmation toys rekindle imagination and get kids excited about being active again (PSFK)

Sphero, the ball-shaped robot, inspired a new generation of toys that aren’t only fun, but can also be used as educational tools for kids — Vortex is one of these (Engadget)

MasterCard will start experimenting with a new program: approving online purchases with a facial scan (CNN)

The bond between two teenage boys, one of whom is gay, is sensitively explored in the latest installment of the Crossroads campaign for Coca-Cola in Latin America; the advertising challenges young people to choose kindness and compassion over cruelty (Adweek)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTm1Qas2ti0]

96% van alle Nederlanders drinkt wel eens frisdrank, ruim 30% daarvan is light, volgens het Nationaal Frisdrankonderzoek 2015, uitgevoerd door FWS; volgens de brancheorganisatie kiest de frisdrankdrinker steeds gevarieerder (Distrifood)

7UP komt deze zomer met een beperkte oplage vintage-flesjes en -blikjes met designs uit de periode 1930 tot en met 1990 (Marketing Online)

De Belgische Brouwers lanceren een campagne om jongeren erop te wijzen dat als ze nog geen zestien zijn, ze geen bier krijgen op festivals; de Respect16-campagne moet ook een hulpmiddel zijn voor het barpersoneel (Het Nieuwsblad)

Met behulp van Lay’s Crunchfunding hebben het chipsmerk en zanger Nielson samen met fans de zomerhit Zomerkriebels gemaakt (Fonk)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgSArVciFIE]

Telecomaanbieder *bliep is failliet, maar wordt overgenomen door Artilium (Emerce); “Dit alles zal een nieuw begin betekenen van het merk” (*bliep)

Magazine J/M voor Ouders stopt in print, maar gaat online door (Adformatie)

Jongeren hebben alle kennis tot hun beschikking met één muisklik, en dus weten ze niks meer — de keerzijde van internet (Elsevier)

Bij Kruidvat is een mobiele GPS-tracker verkrijgbaar — met de Spotter kun je je kinderen altijd gemakkelijk terugvinden (Drogisterijnieuws.nl); volgens Dirk Depover van Child Focus bouw je zo niet aan hun zelfvertrouwen of verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel (De Standaard)

Meester Bram van de Markenburgschool in Geervliet neemt op lugubere wijze afscheid van zijn groep 8: hij moordt zogenaamd de klas uit — voor het tweede jaar op rij staan de afschrikwekkende foto’s op Facebook (AD)

Jongeren kunnen deze zomer hun handen flink uit de mouwen steken; met de aantrekkende economie is ook het aantal vakantiebanen flink gegroeid, blijkt uit een rondgang van het ANP langs een aantal uitzendbureaus (NOS)

Steeds meer kinderen in Nederland hebben klachten aan hun hielen; deskundigen denken dat dat komt omdat ze veel sporten terwijl ze nog groeien (Jeugdjournaal)

10% van de Vlaamse jongeren geeft toe zichzelf voor de leeftijd van 15 jaar ten minste één keer bewust te hebben verwond; slechts 3% van de ouders is zich daarvan bewust (EOS Wetenschap)

Een vijfde van de jongeren van 18 tot 25 jaar rookt dagelijks, blijkt uit een nieuwe online bevraging begin dit jaar door GFK in opdracht van de Stichting tegen Kanker; de stichting spreekt donderdag van een “alarmerend hoog aantal” en is “uitermate bezorgd” over deze evolutie (De Morgen)

En tot slot, zie hieronder de trailer voor de Bassie & Adriaan-film, naar verluidt nu al een hit onder jongeren (Nieuws.nl)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbfHHdzwVOk]

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